01-03 October 2018

Arboviruses transmitted by mosquitoes such as Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya and Yellow fever, represent a major threat to public health worldwide. The Global Vector Control Response (GVCR) recently adopted at the WHO assembly aims to reduce the burden and threat of vector-borne diseases by 2030 through effective locally adapted sustainable vector control. The evidence base to support effective vector control is however limited for arboviral diseases due to a lack of vector surveillance and by the emergence and spread of insecticide resistance in mosquito vectors

The WIN brings the scientific community together by organizing a biennial international conference on insecticide resistance and innovative control strategies for arbovirus vectors

The WIN aims to support the WHO and public health bodies to undertake options on resistance management and mosquito control.

Organized jointly by the French Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and Duke-NUS Medical School of Singapore, the conference serves as a forum for addressing the progress, research gaps and priorities for the control of vectors of emerging arboviruses and the management of insecticide resistance. Agenda of the conference

Sébastien Marcombe (Institut Pasteur in Lao PDR) made a presentation on “Insecticide resistance status of arbovirus vectors, Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Laos: distribution, levels and mechanisms”; he presented as well a poster
Sébastien Boyer (Institut Pasteur in Cambodia) gave a presentation on “Alarming Aedes aegypti resistance in Cambodia: Skirting resistance with an integrated vector management in an entomological / epidemiological approach”
Both presentations showed preliminary results documented in the framework of ECOMORE2 project.

About 150 participants came from Singapore, France, USA, Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, UK, Bangladesh, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Djibouti, India, Ghana, Australia, Switzerland, Thailand, Spain, Mexico, Japan, Tanzania, Guatemala, South Sudan, Lao PDR, Brazil, Vietnam, Portugal, Madagascar, Iran and Somalia.

Participants were welcomed by Mr. Derek Ho, Director-General Public Health, NEA, Republic of Singapore

WHO was represented by Mrs. Fouque Florence (TDR), Mr. Schuler Dominique (PQT-VC), Mr. Velayudhan Raman (NTD), Mr. Yasir Muhammad
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs was represented by Mr. Marc Abensour, French Ambassador, Mr. Gardes Alexandre and Mr. Labbé Arthur
Apart IRD and Duke NUS Medical school who organized the event the Symposium welcomed participants from Environmental Health Institute/ National Environment Agency of Singapore, Ministry of Health of Indonesia, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Integrated Vector Management Program in Pakistan, College of Public Health of the University of the Philippines, CNRS (France), Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network, Innovative Vector Control Consortium (UK), NAMRU, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Japan), Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Malaria Research…and Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, Institut Pasteur du Laos, Institut Pasteur de Guyane and Institut Pasteur de Madagascar.

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