1st Steering Committee of ECOMORE 2 Project - Ecomore Project

The 1st Steering Committee of ECOMORE 2 project has been held in Phnom Penh on 23-24 January 2018. Directors or their representatives of the five partner institutes, Institut Pasteur in Cambodia, Institut Pasteur in Lao PDR, NIHE in Hanoi, NHL in Myanmar and RITM in Philippines and the PI of the five components participated in this event. AFD, IRD representatives and external experts actively contributed in the discussions. Maud Seguy represented the International Department of the Institut Pasteur and chaired the meeting (see detailed list of participants below).

During this 2-day meeting, the detailed protocols of each country components have been presented; presentations are available in “Publications”. It was noticeable that limiting topics of field studies to dengue and leptospirosis resulted in more technical and dynamic discussions in comparison with ECOMORE 1 project. Additionally Mr. Philippe Lagier (AFD) expressed his satisfaction because in this perspective, Networking and Regional Approach are now a reality for this second phase of ECOMORE.

The transversal component on the variations of the climate which will be led by IRD is still debated and the AFD has recommended to practically integrate this study in the framework of other components to better document the link between dengue and leptospirosis threat when the climate changes. The next step will be to conduct discussion between IRD and the partners to tailor the component with the needs of the different country studies and to effectually use data produces by the field surveys.

List of participants in the 1st Steering Committee of ECOMORE 2

Name Position Institute
Maud Seguy Head of Projects Management –Department of International Affairs 
Chairman of the Steering Committee
Philippe Lagier Project manager / Health Department AFD
Didier Fontenille Director IPC
Paul Brey Director IPL
Ferdinand Salazar Chief Science Research Specialist
Department of Medical Entomology
PI of the ECOMORE study
Richard Paul Functional Genetics of Infectious Diseases Unit IP
Luciano Tuseo Head of Programme  Malaria,
Other Vector borne and Parasitic Diseases
Chan Sorya Project Manager / AFD Cambodia AFD
Guillaume Daufresne Director of Administration and Finance IPC
Sébastien Boyer Head of the Medical Entomology Unit IPC
Morales Vargas Entomology Unit Mahidol University
Marc Grandadam Head of Virology Unit
PI of the ECOMORE study
Edward Thomsen Expert DDMS LSTM
Sébastien Marcombe Head of Entomology Unit IPL
Veasna Duong Virology Unit IPC
Etienne Chevanne Epidemiologist IPC
Guillaume Narjollet Cooperation Counselor French Embassy
Tran Nhu Duong Vice-Director NIHE
Lep Mai Chief of Dept. of Community Health
and Network Coordination
San Mya Head of Bacteriology Unit
PI of the ECOMORE study
Win Thein Director NHL
Ly Sowath Deputy Director / Senior Epidemiologist
PI of the ECOMORE study
Cyrille Goarant Head of Leptospirosis URE IPNC
Patrice Piola Head of the Epidemiology Unit IPC
Philippe Dussart Head of the virology Unit IPC
Vincent Hebreteau Research Officer Espace-Dev IRD
Benjamin Sultan Researcher IRD
Yves Froehlich Coordinator ECOMORE IP
Oeng Rotana Communication Assistant IPC

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