24-25 October 2019

Morgan Mangeas, Mathematician and Lucas Bonnin Statistician, both based at IRD in Noumea in New Caledonia, Benjamin Sultan, climate modeler at IRD, based in Montpellier in France, Vincent Herbreteau, Health Geographer at IRD, based in Phnom Penh in Cambodia have travelled to Hanoi to meet the team of climatologists at USTH involved in ECOMORE project, Thanh Ngo-Duc and Long Trinh-Tuan. They review the progress of ECOMORE climate transversal component and plan future actions. Dengue fever data have not yet been collected exhaustively for all countries, while modelling analyses are scheduled to start in 2020. Climate analyses are already well advanced.

A meeting organized at the NIHE brought together the ECOMORE team at the Department of Public Health led by Dr Mai with the participation of Vu Trong Duoc, Head of Dengue Fever Office at the Department of Entomology and Zoology.

The objective of this meeting was particularly to clarify mapping of cases of Leptospirosis when there is no GPS data but only addresses. The use of individual addresses has shown some difficulties due to the lack of a reference address database (only the Google address database can be used). The alternative considered is therefore to aggregate leptospirosis cases by communes in order to carry out spatial analyses at this scale.

The other issue was to decide which data will be displayed on the ECOMORE web-based platform. All key persons involved in the climate component could discuss with ECOCLIMASOL, in charge of its development, by video conference. Participants discussed the expectations and constraints, especially regarding data visualization or access (for instance aggregated health data can visualized at the province scale but not accessed).

It has been stated that this open web-based platform should be simple, interactive but non-editable, and without maintenance to ensure sustainability. It will be used as a risk awareness tool by anyone concerned by the impacts of climate change up to 2100. Targeted users are people from health sector, decision-makers and also students in climate change, environment and health fields.
This mission in Hanoi gave opportunity to meet people involved in GEMMES project funded by AFD as well. This project aims at analyzing socio-economic impacts of climate change in Vietnam and medium- and long-term adaptation strategies. The Health Component of GEMMES project, among six WPs, will focus on mortality, health care use and economic indicators of health services. Unfortunately, the discussion showed that the connections between the two projects will be difficult on health issues and will be limited to climate analyses.

However a likely synergy on organization of the Knowledge Translation has emerged from this discussion. It should be noted that these conclusions do not rule out possible share of data depending of timing of implementation of both projects.

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