The first National Stakeholders meeting for the Cambodian component of ECOMORE2 project has been held at SOFITEL Hotel in Phnom Penh on 23rd March 2018.

This meeting jointly organized by CNM and IPC gave the opportunity to present the epidemiological, entomological and lab diagnosis methodology of the study.

In their opening speeches, Dr. Tha Meas for the CNM, Dr. Didier Fontenille for IPC and Dr. Philippe Steinmetz for AFD reminded the importance for Cambodia of dengue, still a neglected disease and the concern for the future in the context of climate change.

Dr. Ly Sowath, PI of the project in Cambodia, Sébastien Boyer, Head of the Entomology Unit and Philippe Dussart, Head of the Virology Unit made comprehensive presentations on the objectives, protocols, field activities and expected outputs of the study.

Dr. Leang Rithea, Head of the Dengue program at the CNM made a retrospective overview of the situation of dengue in Cambodia and demonstrated the risk of outbreak for the present year in regard of surveillance indicators for the first months of 2018. Dr. Leang  Ritea informed participants as well on the updated official documents on the National Strategic Plan and the Case Management Guidelines

During this meeting Malaria Consortium was invited to present the extension of the guppy project in Kampong Cham province.

These meeting brought together major stakeholders involved in Dengue control, the CNM, the CDC, the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport, the General Directorate of Animal Health, DTRA/US-CDC, the NAMRU, Malaria Consortium, the Kantha Bopha Children Hospital, WHO and the directors of Provincial Health Departments and the Dengue Program Managers of the provinces involved in the ECOMORE 1 project and consequently responsible of improvement of the surveillance system.

H.E. Yi Seang Chhiv, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and member of the Prime Minister Office, Mr. Suppawat Noiprasit 1st Secretary of the Royal Thai Embassy in Cambodia, Dr. Philippe Steinmetz, Director of AFD and Dr. Chan Sorya, project officer in charge of ECOMORE2 management, participated in the meeting as influential observers.

The next National Stakeholders meeting will be organized after the dengue season to present the preliminary results; furthermore the Working Groups will continue to be held regularly, every 4 months, in the framework of the Knowledge Translation platform with the decision-makers.

Power Point presentations made during the National Stakeholders meeting are available on the website under the menu “Publications” sub-menu 1st NSM

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