The SEAOHUN 2018 International Conference was held from 12 to 15 November 2018 at Hanoi Medical University. The topic of the conference was the “One Health Academic Challenges: Preparing today’s workforce to combat tomorrow’s infectious diseases”. This International Conference brought together the multidisciplinary experts in One Health from different sectors across the region to share and exchange their knowledge, scientific research, and lessons learned in One Health and thus has provided opportunities for guests and participants to exchange the latest information, ideas, field practices and achievements in One Health approaches. The conference also served as the networking platform for One Health professionals to get connected and foster collaboration in concert with One Health principles

On 14th November A/Prof. Le Thi Phuong Mai, MD., PhD. Head of Dept. of Public Health at NIHE and team leader for ECOMORE projects presented the results of the study conducted in the framework of ECOMORE1 project, “Leptospira Infection in Traditional Livestock and More Intensive Scheme Villages 2018. This study has documented an unexpected prevalence of Leptospirosis and Hepatitis E; as a continuation, the on-going project ECOMORE 2 aims at identifying risk factors for Leptospirosis contamination in various socio-environmental contexts.

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