The first seminar about surveillance of canine leptospirosis in Yangon region under Ecomore2 project has been held on March 22nd in Yangon thanks to the support of the Myanmar Veterinary Association and the Yangon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (YVDL). More than 40 veterinarians attended the meeting, including representatives of the profession, private practitioners and veterinarians from the municipal animal shelters. The two presentations given by veterinarians (Drs. Min Thein Maw and Etienne Chevanne) addressed the surveillance objectives and coordination, as well as the novel opportunity for veterinarians to test canine leptospirosis at YVDL. Over a buffet, veterinarians took the opportunity to raise issues that were openly discussed between all the key counterparts of the project including representatives of the National Health Laboratory, in charge of the project coordination in Myanmar. Around 20 primary-care entities (clinics or animal shelters) already agreed to participate and flyers were distributed for participants to keep on spreading the good word to their colleagues. This first seminar brought very encouraging signs for the future of the leptospirosis surveillance among dogs in Yangon region, which should be ready for implementation by May 2018.

Visits of associative and municipal animal shelters, as well as visits of private clinics completed the mission of Etienne Chevanne in Yangon (20-28 March 2018).

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